Cork Business Association has given us the great honour of naming us a finalist for the Cork Business of the Year Awards for 2020

What the award means
The Cork Business Association represents businesses throughout Cork through advocacy, promotion and information.
Each year, they host an awards ceremony to celebrate the achievements of local businesses and to highlight their contributions to the community.
The other nominees in our category are Springboard PR & Marketing and Lisney, two fantastic companies with a great impact on the local community!
What we've done this year
2019 was a banner year for CTI! We welcomed more trainees, worked with more host companies and families than ever before. We take pride in the impact we have on our local community.
Through partnerships in Germany and the Czech Republic, in particular, we have welcomed several groups of young people that have been out of work in their home country to get back onto a solid footing. By participating in a welcoming programme and a supportive environment, they are able to work toward the goal of rekindling their passion for finding a career that suits them.
It is through these programmes that the long work of building a community of local companies, host families, English language teaching organisations, and other local tourism entities has paid off. Because we have buy-in from our entire network, this community support structure has proven quite successful in welcoming these newcomers. While we wait for longer-term outcomes and success stories, our trainees report leaving with a sense of accomplishment and renewed purpose as they look to re-enter the workforce.