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The Benefits of Becoming a Host Family

Sofiia Funtikova - Marketing and Office Intern

An image of an international host family with foreign students above their twenties hugging and smiling in a line, standing in front of the wall in an apartment building.
Could hosting international students be right for you?

When it comes to money, it can be a sensitive topic to discuss. We want an occupation that brings us joy, positive energy, experience and a good income. In the last decade, we have had the pleasure of partnering with local host families. Our company, Career Training Internships, has been in this business for over a decade. Hundreds of host families partner with our firm, fully experienced and just beginners. We build strong relationships with our partners and give a chance to our interns to have a second family in Ireland, thousand miles away from their homes.

What benefits do I provide to international students?

Becoming a host family is not a simple task, however, it has its own benefits. If you have a spare room in your house or apartment, you are good to start your hosting journey. Apart from extra earning potential, you give a chance to an exchange intern to embrace Irish culture. It is the main goal we are aiming at: to share our cultural values and diversity with others, to show how full of wonders our country is.

How to start hosting international students?

If you are an owner of the property, the process is less complicated from the start. However, a satisfying part of being a host family for an exchange student is that it is often not necessary to own the property. In most cases, you have full rights to dispose of your housing as you find it right. However, there are particular rules you should follow to avoid misunderstandings and issues during this process. We advise you to take a look at this website which will give you a better understanding of this business.

What benefits do I have from this business?

Hosting students might not be such a simple task, however, have you ever thought about what cultural diversity they will bring to your house? We offer our services to students from around the world: Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Ukraine, Croatia, the Czech Republic, etc. It was always lovely to hear from our students and families about their cultural exchange: tea evenings with a French bakery, Ukrainian breakfast or German dinner. Our Interns are appreciative of the host families who treat them well. As gratitude, they share the most precious thing of every nation—culture from within stories, food and other aspects of the traditions.

Apart from this, the main question is, am I getting paid for hosting international students? The answer is Yes! Our company accepts a constant flow of foreign interns looking for host families. Therefore, your stable income is guaranteed.

Why partner with Career Training Internships?

Coming back to the last topic Career Training Internships is an experienced, stable, and trustworthy company. We have been in the HR, hospitality, and Education & Training industries for over twenty years.

Working in these industries can be quite exhausting physically and mentally. This is why we, Career Training Internships, want to give you full seven days a week support with your inquiries. This business can be challenging; thus, we want our host families to have the most pleasant journey possible. All host family requirements for exchange students are held by us. Everything that is expected from you is to create a second home for our international interns. We keep in touch with both parties giving them the best full service throughout the whole process.

Every journey has its own pros and cons. Even though the interns we host are mature and wise individuals who know what they are coming to Ireland for, nevertheless, both parties are responsible for their best experience. I hope this article has shown the host family experience in a positive light, motivated you and unlocked the gates for your little hospitality venture.

If you are interested in partnering with us or have any further questions, feel free to contact our office.


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